Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 157, 25 March 1891 — Kauai Notes. [ARTICLE]

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Kauai Notes.

The Hon. Antone Ro«a ig sa.id to have given the coritract la.bor svstem a verj'bad shaking up in a most elnborate nnd lengthy ai'gnme!it delivered before llis Hon?or the Cl)ief. Justice and a J urv at the reeent tenn of the Court on Kauai.

The chattel slavery system is getting pretty roughly hand]«d all round, and will require all the dry nursiug that the Adverti»er ean besto\v on the nionldy excrescence. It is but the shadow of an ugly ghoul, repulsive to all honest men and maintained at the public expense for the sole | benefit of a few sanctimonious | Shylocks. Every humane . in- 1 stinct demands that every line oti | our statute books supporting it| shall be burned in fr«.?U of ()rrirtV Prison l>_v the eommon hangman. What has the Board of Healih done or intend doing, with thQ petition from Hanalei m referencfe to the resident Governuient Physieian. We are not advocating ha*ty nction but think thatafterthe many mnnths whieh tfcis matter has been before th? 13oard some decision ought to have he?n arrived at l/' v fi»re tiOw.

Th* p°ople have petitioned to have Dr. \[itamurra iicense(l in Dr. Jon<*B stead. The faet that Dr. M. is a J;ipanese should bc uo bar

tO his appoM.imeni, it quaiiiH «i. oi wnieh there. is no donbt', as ho cracluateii in the Uiiited St»tfs and as stioh \vonld be entitled to pmetice in New York or Boston. Are Doctors to be the one cla,ss iri the community proiected from the competition of Asia ? If Doctors why not haekmen, we want no privileged classes unless the exclusion is big enough to go round and cover us all.