Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 155, 23 March 1891 — Riveting the Chains. [ARTICLE]
Riveting the Chains.
īn cprrob©ration of 6ur cō:nments on the so-called contract labor " system, published on the 16th ins.t., we will print to-morrow the dissenting opinion of Judge Dole, a.iul in the eame issue of Ka Leo jve will resume our comments on the subject. : The Advertiser of Friday last, a paper principallv owned L/y. the commercial missionaries and under the patronage of the sugar magnates of the country, devoted a eolumn to an off-hand elenial of stat( ments " in one of the Native papers," „ornfort in the that " the paper had onlv a small circuiation ar.d nut known abroad." The general puhlie will appreciate the characteristic spirit and sense of jonrualistic courtesy of that shoet, whea they Hote the name of its manager,—to say nothing of eommon honesty—in devoting a eolumn to a professed refutation of an article without stating for the benefit 6f its readers. where the originat could be seen. Either it did not suit the owners ol the Advetiser to help the reader to find tiie onginal article ; —k*owing that it contained more truth than poetry i übout |plantatioii Blavery, or as a native paper we are to consider ourselves not entitled to the amenities» whieh is about the extent of missiojiary civility and charitr, and m6re especially like the well rounded pharise« towards his poor neighbor! Blesseii are they who expect nothing from such for th«y shall not be disapp«inted ! As the Advertiser's article was sin\piya iame and impotent general denial, it leayes nothing for us to notice l>eyond an humhle as«>jnrance that our rmmber of d*i]y paying subscribers excxjeds that of our self exalted heighl>or» nnd Vhat they hold the ca»h vnlue of o«r sheet at just d6iible that of the Advertiser, viz? oue dollar ptr month, and ouly
one-half the size of the latter. As to our foreign circulatioß we luive over fifty paying subBcribers,*and when such articles as that whieh campelled our friend to say something indefeuce of the slave svstem practiced by its patrons; cr when we uuplish things that the public are interested to know, we distribute many copies to the leacjing jourrnals pro araore veritatis.