Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 153, 19 March 1891 — OUT AGAIN [ARTICLE]

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The illustriouB Hebrew ggentleman, to whom was so carftessly entrusted the national honor of the Hawaiian Kingdom in London, under the modest title of»"Charge d , Affaires. n is agaui Ue(ore the wor!d, like an ass and uniike a displomat, A few years ago Mr. A. Hoffnung made a very sorrv oxhibition of himself and of our liUle Kingvtom. in Sy4oey; nothins daunt'*d ur oorrecteil !>y the ridioule then 011 hisfoolish l>atc t he now ks tn the Ohioa/o r. 4 r;ort* 4 rs of our ho Kiio\vs iheni. and «s n«» o:<«* » is v > kijov»'s ilieii', whu d *?s kuow our

Hff;ūrs. Tho jfjfor*M;ttii")n wl'ieli he givf>B, woulii niake oven stich a quadruped as an ass snrile, \vheiv he says, u that the Queen nevor asked for the resignatmn of the late Cabinet; that she appointe<£ Wilcox, as her Chamherlain; that our planters cann»t raore Japanese or Chinese; and that they are going to import Indian Cooiies, etc." Ko doubt Mr. Hoffnung would like to be asked to import coolies, so that he could repeat the proOts of the Portuguese immigration. But we do hope that, as a reyre,sentative of thie government, he will be requested by our Foroign AflFairs Minister, if not to resign. at least to gi>vern that willful member cf his person, and not allow it to say such foolishness as he has been guilty of latelv