Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 152, 18 March 1891 — A Labor Contract. [ARTICLE]

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A Labor Contract.

In Monday's artic]e headed "Riveting the Chains a " we stated among otber things on contracts. that they soraetimes exist without "even the formalty of signing" them. A case in point is reported to have been before the term of the Kauai Circuit Court just ciosed, as r©ported in the Bulletin of the 16th as follows : Richard Jones, M. D., vs. R Gerke, for medical services in behalfof a Jāpanese contract laborer of the defenctant. At the cl©se «f plaintifFs testimony plaintifF took a nonsuit, as the.obligation on the part of the employer in the contract of the Japanese laborer was not signed, and so no liability was proved on the part of Gerke to pay i for medical services. Comment is supierfluousi Mr. R Gerke ean command the services ! of his assigned Japanese laborer apparentiy without incuring any liability to provide medical attendance. If the contract paper was not signed it surely was not stamped as required by law, The government sbould see that every labor eontract and copy, are both stamped, as in nine cases out of ten they are not, and thereby the revenue is defrauded by tne plauter.