Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 148, 12 Malaki 1891 — Did not get it. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Did not get it.

It is Btated on reliable authorit v that the S. F. Examiners 4< most pronimeq.t member of the Nati©nal Heform party" Mr. E. C." Macfarlape Bftade an offer to the Bulletin 6tockholders to lease that paper for two years and the offer was declined. It wōuld appear from this that Eddy is of the opinion Ihat the eveuing paper is not to his Jiking. The BulJetin management prohably are not anxions to ]Jlustrate the fable of the man and his ass by tryiug to please everybody.