Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 145, 9 March 1891 — The Day of Pagan Worship. [ARTICLE]

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The Day of Pagan Worship.

I The <lay oaJled Sunday, wliieh j had its origin from the Suni-worship j of the pagan Roujans, and known the first day of the week, was, we regret for the sake of the firstday workshippers, made a day of imnecessary labor« It is sad to see how little heed is given : by professing Christians in their eflforts ot pretensions to keep sacred (iod's! iiaemorial of rest, eVen on the day whieh they have eubstituted as "a day set ax>art and hallowed to God. It appears inammen rnles in this period, when we find our merchantsmiBsionaries and all,-were unwilling to wait untii Monday to disoharge the freight whieh arrived here on (Sunday) yesterday moming by the u Claudine. n As soon sg the vessel arrived, and her paseengers were landed from her, she was i*imediately placed alongeide ef the eoal steamer Hounslow, into whieh vessel she <lipcharged her sugar cargo, at the same tim** the eoal was being put out of the iattcr. The conBistoncy uf the Seventh Dav Sabbath kecpcr is in

markcd contrast, to the slip-shcd and ei'astic eonscience of the iii(jonsistent Sundav raatnmen wors|iip- ' per. It is no wonder to us tlhat religion is loosing its - saqred cbaracter, when those who protfess to teach and inculcate by tlkeir example, are lead away by t|ieir greed and lust, to trample to d|ost the day whieh they have substituted as a day of rest in plaee of ihe day coramanded by God. in his immutable law.