Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 145, 9 March 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That there has been a rinwpus in the and the various combinations of letters have not jet been satisfactorilv readjusted: That the rest of the letters laughed when E. C. M. assumed to represent the leadership; That J. O. C. undertook to| represent the' 'eom iog (nan" but fai 1- j TJiat S. B. D. and 11. A. P. C. are liable to have their places changed to gratify other lettcrs ; That F. W. have beea so offensive to the Test of the alphabet that Ihey will probably be dropped from the list entirely and replaced by f ouae other character; That M. U. D. swear they know bow to spell Reform; That C. B. W. will try to Marghal all the other %ters into harmonious shupe; That D. M. went to San Franciseo sotne tiine ago but fell int© disrepute through the vulgar habit of chewing tobaeco, and that Q. L. wili displaee them; That I. E. B. and A. M. were real leaders and will eome to the top again in the sweet mnhope) That B. A. T. S. have aflirmed that they edit the "A<lvertiser : ' and „Bulletin." That C. B. and J. A. ;C. have gone mto perpetual mourning fur that whieh is lost forever; That L. A. T wili find congenial i atmosphere ou the brnks of the liot j and fiery volcano; That C. P. I. U. M. and their ; friends are all going out ranehing;! That the reBt of the letters are! ?.il <lomg the 4, Micav;ber' v act. ! Tnat W. T. write stripe<l on dits ■furl\ C. A. That A. J. flnd I\ ('. A. aro ali; on the wro:ig seer!t and wiii jret ; ltft. 9 : , :■I" . ! That havii4g ex;iau- ; ted the "caps,' v the ,l Leo'' is disinclined to ! introduee."tlie- s-inall : letters and- s<» | savs aū reroir. |