Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 144, 6 March 1891 — AMERICAN MILLIONAIRES [ARTICLE]

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The daily ineome of fciur Amei|iean millionaires is as followfc: Jay Gould $r,505; Cornelius derbilt $15,880; J. D. R®ekfeilir $19,240; W. W. Astor $24,575. j A workman would require io work thirty-one years if he ear«Qd $15 a week before he earned tbe daily pav of Astqr; aad to save tl|e ainount that Astor receives in day, the w6rker presur»ing lje saved two and a half dollars evei|y week, would have to work and fof one hundred and eight-ni4e yearB. :" The combined yearlv ineome four men is twenty-four millions isve hundred and twenty-eigfet thousand dollars. A eoaapanion picture to this is the -fact that in the United states there is a standing army of seven hundred and ■fifty thousand men constanty on the i»Dve in search of emplovment, call©d framps. Some day, in the not-verv remote futurc, the Dfmocracy of the United states will insist that the pv«blic lands and othcr 60urces if natural wealth were created for the whole people, and not for those who toil not nor spin, and then industrial ( and moral worth, and not gambling for wealth, will be the true stand»rd of individual and national greatness. The development and nggressiveness o? great capitalists and corporations is an Jil.arrning-■■ feature- of our time and if not choc!;ed wili lead to the degr?dation of the toiling !riasses whose birthright it is to share in tho full enjoyiuent of the wejilth tliey creatcd, and to deny them whieh, is to rob them ōf their honest share in the gains and honors of advancing civilization. In Hawaii we have individuals and corporations whose linaneial anel land power acquired on a few short years, surpass by comparison, anything īn the Unitcd States. The luek of our men of health and political dictation or thcir fathers arrived here with a carpet bag and a bible and what they stood up! in and "a great wealih of intellect" (?) and ... me brass, and a great deal of the k "tiickling cymbal." i