Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 144, 6 Malaki 1891 — Government Enterprises. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Government Enterprises.

Tho late Legielature made iiberai ;i!>proj>riiitiotis for public enterpri*e.s whieh al.l were to tend to int*r«ase the prosperitv of the country. The first and most import.int of these was thc removeing oi the bar and the deepening of the harbor of Honolulu. We hope tlie new Government will push forward this 6clieme 'without unnecessary delav. We must keep abreast with the tiaies, and be prepared to take advantage of ail the benefits to accrue fr»m the commerce whieh the enterpri»e of foreign nations would send to and through our port. With the great steamship and cable enterprises thatare being promoMl in Ganada and America. embraeering Ilonolulu in their scheaies. we will eoon iind our port the entreDOt of an active <ommerce whieh ith our present faciiities we could not accoiiunadate. We mu«t not be idle in the face of all this outside activitv, aiul the tirst work of t-he goverment phould be to undertake all of the harbor and wharf iniprovv*rnerstB for whieh the Legislature īiuule provision. With a eaoie eoiuuiunii'aūou to the Paeiiie coast, and a hurbor eupahle of aecommodattng the !argest shipßaHoat, the port of Ilonolulu will dt¥eiop with rapid strides into great activit v. and for many vc«rs t® eume will resound with tlie building of dock and wharves. Let pers ont government make tho best of their opportuiiit\es to obtain & Usl

ing oredit by laylng the foun<latic n for the new.cra of eommemal importance thai appears about dawn upon ;is.