Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 143, 5 Malaki 1891 — A Call For Workers. [ARTICLE]
A Call For Workers.
At Fort Stroet Church on Sunday J befc>re iast, Iho Pastor preached an | «•!oquor* <liscourse on the Hawaiinn ! Ihl;uwlsp.s a tioldfor Christian work I and appeal(Ml to Hawailan borh | joyiTg iiien to d(*dieate theinselvcß j to tl*<i scrviee of evangeliziug the j iflnw(ls. ()f the ehildren and grBinl} chiMron of tlie earlicr ntissionarie6 .—numbering lumd:vds—we oatinot « oiir.t:i 11a!f dozen who ar®fo!lo\\; ; ing the profession of the ehristian I !«inistry, although they ean Im?! re< koned by ihe scores preachinfi! for the hu> mxnd the proJitx acconlii.tr to ]>laekstone and Coke. The fat t • is. that while the Kingdom ofj IleHven is held «p as the iilenl <>f j ull that is desiraMo. vet, tothosel who were nurtured in that hel:efj th«» solid reulities in the Kin^lou;' i
p£ Ilawaii, like tbe flesh pots of Egypt, seem i& have a gr«ater attpaction for them thaii ii d!d for their foje%thers. . ; | Money making has remainied as | the maia and soKd reminder of ;he fact, that the christiamty of hc American Board of. Fyreign 2Vj si«ns gained a footing on these islands. M©nev lending, so popular to some in this communitv, 11 ay appear tō others a slow and ati uncertain w»y of reaching Heav 511, but the meek shall Tnherit :he Earth, and the pos&ession ōf a corner lot and a few hundred kuleanas, and the rents tfeereof, enahiea one to figure on the subscript on. list and get a deaconship, The. modernr ' money-hugging disci3le tak<\s great comfort In the fact that hell ig wiped out of his thsok>{jy v and īn this particular he is fc< ed fr©m a handicap that held the iust generation in eheek. The seri3i©n on the mou«t will no doubt be discovered ere long to be wrong also, and some fine day some skek dcacon, who has waxed fat on eompound interest, will*disc®ver a new vereion, whieh will read ü ßlessed are the usurcrs and the land mortgagoft. and the man mortgagors, «nd the hirers of kidnappers, and the staryers of their hired hetp fōp thev are niee mannered men, and have run thc church and given of increase; therefore thev shall have front reserved seats iti the Kingdom j of Heaven." | By the wav considering that a large propor£ion of the niissionary children themselvcs are open agn<»stics and are not members of any ciiurcli, how would it bo for • Dr. Be;*kwilh to start" in gd fhem. j As for the nativc prc-ichers under| the Boar<l. nuinbprs of themcan-| not keep alive on tho recoi])ts;iind j I have to hostle roumi to labor for | thcir. poi and fi.sh. " j