Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 143, 5 March 1891 — The New Premier. [ARTICLE]

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The New Premier.

ha,d tbe conntry a brigbter «Hl-look tfean at present. Oor liew Eremier, Mr. Parker, is a Hawaiian of eulture and education, a«d one in who»s we ean fairly trust, and m fact ougbt to be a » r persona grata io both our po]itical parties. As a *ative Hawaiian, a man of intelligence and more or !ess executive ability, he cannot <fa i 1 to giatify his \>eople in having oneT of theraeeive3 entrusted with the powers of office. man of wealth with, large interests at stake, and an intelligent comprehension of the iinaneial m%d commercial affairs of ( the country, h« ought to, and we; trust that he will have,. the confi- j .deece of the capitalkts. He en-j tered the recent l,egislature as an I Tndependent Noble, from Hawaii, but quickly realized that the National Party was a power, oreated inainly by native Hawaiian votes, with a determined purpose to frown down the Reform Party and their policy of suppressing their righto. he practically allied hii»self with us, As a Hawaiian, we believe he will recognize the rights of Hawaiians t© pVeferment in oiir ©wn! and thereby create a patrk>tie national feeling, and give the Hawaiian hope and ambition, and that he will put a stop to the reform poliey, such as was lately inaugurated in one of our govern-i mpat bureaus, of disriiissing young j Hawaiians from office. and replac-1 * ing thera with alien forei_gners who | Itave no loyalt3 T or interēsts in the | conntry. Mr. Parker's well known j connection with 001. Spreckels, and j his vast |jpterests in the country, 1 will also give hiui a certain pres-j I:ge, whieh may be of value to the • i'ahinei in its finaMcial policv. We; V;»elieve tha Premier will profit by the! cxamT)le of h-is predecessor and not j aIIAW himsoif..to he misguided bv j an intrigering colleague, but wili j have suflicient indepeii(icnce ofj <*-haraoter tr> knon' and to dowhat| 38 right, and be guided by the ad-1 v;ce of competent friends. Timel nnd the Legislature mav changej ihe personn'd of the cabinet, but we believe that if our new Premier conducts the administration with ■ tlie dignity tīiat we predict for him, he will have suflicientlv gained the confidence of the Queen and of the people to be r 4 called to the head of anv suc-j i'ee<ling cabinet.