Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 141, 3 March 1891 — THE PRIVY COUNCIL. [ARTICLE]

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Aniong the different mattcrs of ptil>lic administration whieh imthemselves on the imme<liate attention and study of the first Cabinet of our new .Sovereign, one 1 of the most urgent, anu ccrtainly j ..,ne of no small ii»portanoe. is that • «•f the Privy Oouneil of State. | This bos iy is now regulated bv Art. 40 of the Constitution. wliieh >-ays tnat ki there shall continue to ; heu ('oaneil of Ptate for. advisingj King in all matters for the j pood of the State. wlierein Ile inay■!■ requirc its advice *. . . the menibers lhereof to be appointed bv the j King, (by :md with the advice and ; consent of the Cabinet, Art 7s), to| :ioid of!ice during H.M.'s pleasure." j The tenure of this article thus ; confirms the previons legislation on 1 the subject, whieh is contained in the articles 24 to 20 of the compil(d 1 aws, Title 11 of < Mvil Codc, the tirst and most importa:it of whieh stipulatēs that u the King may at any time, l»v Royal Letters Patent (see art. 7-S of const.) appoint, to "he P. ( ■ouneil, any of his subjects wlio has attained tlie age of majority. to liolu ofiice <luring the King'.-•.<ieas-riro-.-. . It th'is i)LtiiHv a])ncars th. r ;t the ii' , w S.'»vereign has thc- pcrfoct right an<f even- the _<luty of dismissing the Privy Councii of his predeccsko". and to constitute for herself a iiew l>odv of s.uch men as she may please to sho\v her confidence to by seleetmg thcm as b."r State advi-s-jrs; and this right is further eon■iiru;ied by Art 29 of C. ('., whieh •iire< ts that l, to urevent the danger and inconvenience @f haying no Privy Council during the vacancy of the Throne, the Privy Council iji ':xistence at the deinise of the Crown, shali (ontinue vntil (ktcr■mined by ,t-he Suce?ssor. , . . The Privy Council is at presenj, coinpos?d, according to ihe Hawaiian Annual lbr 1891 ; cf the follofvi;!g gentlemen : C. K. l»ishor>. A. S. Ciegborn, .1. O. Dommis." < "A. F. ,īudd, 11. A. Widemann, H. M. Whitnev, J. A. G. l\hodes, J. M. S;.iith, H. A. P. ('artcr, J. S. \Valker, \\ . J. Sa:ith, W. P. Wood, L. McCvilly, W. F. All'-n, I). Kahanu. .1. K. Busli, c. P. lūuk«M, (i. W. Ma»'larlane. H. Ki.ihelam, .1. L. Kanlukou. P. P. Kati'v. W. I). Alex:md-r, /. K.. - . K. K. Lillkalani. P. Neumaii, S. i'arker. .1 T. Baker. R H. l>aker, S. M. Pamon, J. Ki Kaunamano, A. N. Tripr>, J. (J. Hoapili, F. 11. Hayselden, \V. G. Irwin, 1). H. Nahinu, (i. Uichardson, A. Kosa, J. H Atherton. J. T. \\'aterhouse Jr. W. E. Ilowell, John Kna. Several meml>ers of tlii» above ■ist are permanently a.bsent|from ihe k:egdum, and in what concerns the

others. it is not necessarv in way|ie mueh time or study to fmd o£t what a verv incongrous body they ! must fortu. a pron«iseuous a malgamation of good, impartial, reliab!le ! men with others some not as gftod. i It has heen lagelv the misfortnne of the late Kitig Kalakaun, not- to know how t6 select his eom- ' p#nions and fiis advjsers, and to appoint very *>ften his worse enemies or his unw®rthy svcophants to positionsof trust and confidence. s»<iner thān his most sincere . and disinterested friends. P>ut it is tt> | be hoped that the proven gootl gcnse and intelligence of our new Sovereign wil! prevent her from |fallinginto the same error. llowever, it is self-evidcnt that one pf her first necessities must be |o give unto iierseit a suitable body of Privy Councillors. to advise h£r in all the difficult moment& of hdr reign, and it is equally the duty of the Calunet unto whieh she has jjust shown her confidence and re- | spcct. to help her in the matter, so | that she may obtain a body of the most able an<l especial]y J±e most ]iOncst, sincere, desintcrcsted, inde- • pendent and patriotic men of the |community. as also a body in i whieh al! classcs, nationalities and I |. ■ •] !interests mav be ]<ropei*!v rcpie j sentcd. Fipally, the reconstruction ' ;of the Privv ('ouneil onght to be! i ■,"■*• ■ ■ ■ j ;o'htaiiieu even hefore the next ! mceting of the NoV.cs for the elee- ] | tion of the lleir Apparent, so that 1 !this body might have'a ehanee to i !express an opinion on this very I important matter, and niorc cspeci- : | ally on account of so many Nobles |being absenr or unahle to attend ī the m«M ting.