Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 141, 3 Malaki 1891 — One of the Ways of Christianizing a Hawaiian. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

One of the Ways of Christianizing a Hawaiian.

It seems thatthe Hawaiian is to be exterminated from this briglit 3and of golden promises t the Canaeo where iiiilk and honey flows, judgi ng from the tone and veiled mea rxing of the foilowing lettcr. writte» by a plantation manager to a foreign physician. This is one of the reasons whv the Hawaiian prefers bis Kahnna and not the haole Kmda. The lett er reads as foll(»ws: * 1)k. — Tliifc< īiian «ays l»e has a tooth-s.<'be, j)lfase pall hin tooth aml give him Pemetliin« to make liim sick. " Gko. Wkk;ht.