Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 138, 26 Pepeluali 1891 — QUOUSQUE TANDEM. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


It was announced, on Monday rnorning, that Her Majesty had sent officially her Aide-d«-Camps to the Miniters, to obtain fiiom ihem a definite answer, by yes or n«, t« the request made by her, over a week ago. t® hand in th|eir re«ignation. Up to the iime ot writing these lines, it is reported that the Ministors have not yet deigned give anv answer, but that they mtend not to resign. Be it as it inay, it is quite oertain that no >Hvoreiyn in historf has evor been so utlorly ignored and oontei«p- -: i:ously bolitthd by minist«rs of as Qnecn Liliuokalani has bcon during the past davs; thoreit is still in order to review i!;s p»sitioh *»f the ministry aud fif thoir def<?i»dors, and spociallv iliat of their prosont ul!y, the exMinkter of Intorior ofthe detest<hT Refbrm oubinet. lt is well known that L. A. Thurston, the afw>stle ®1 the revolutionists of l \S7.'' ,«ind the apologiBt of thoir b«stard had e?ideavored.—in a lengthy opinion woll worthv of a <|iiibbling lawyer,—to denounoe ull royal nrcrogativegand a)l u|niversal precedent wiih the pottod ohitct

•f upheldiag, as & prececient for himself, tke would-be tyranny aiid imprecedente(l assumptions o; 'the four unattointed littU king», wh® have be©o i)ermitted t® grasi» povp*r under his daisy constitu ion» For every oae of Mr. Thurstkm , s historical citations, ahandr«l si®re cmild br quoted, ia©re */'apro: >os" to our case, in whi<?h th6 dig»ities and pr«r©gatives of the Ruler niaintainetL and in sosne instaj>ces : with eumisarv and re- : s«lts to- th« , mulish obgtructors. But the Leo not having spaqe to enter int® citati«H.s, we recommend to L: A. Thurston |ind his frieHds, whether in the cab|iuet ©r ©ut, of it, to organize a clas|s in constitutional history, soasto l«|arn so»ething positive of the dignhies> prerogatives aad duties of the difFerent Powers of State, and to a#rerta ; n that history does not c@nfirna hig tyrannicai whuns and aittbitious wishes* i ; However, the situation in Hawaii, the ihcrcdibJo tism of a few unpapular growi»g every dav i*ore f«ll of perils, for . whioh the cabifi6t is They full kg»ew from th« start, that their dutv to the new Queea, 10 the country- and to their own honor, was to have rtsigaed office as soon as thev heard ©f the King';s death; and m fact, th«ir cenviction was so clear at that time, that they did tender a half-hearted resignation; but the Queen, unf»rtunately acti?ig ou the advice of the Chancellor of the Kitf.doni not t® accept their resign&ticn a£that sueoinl timo, t»id them to; continue in ollioe till niter the King's funeraL Then, acknowl<<djzing that rourtesy of thc Queen :is a weakne?s v and embo!dened bv revolntioifarv inciitations from so!«e of the of they now repudiate their fir»t movemeut, and >?nibl»orniv clutch on to.the iK>\ver whieh they More proud ®f the illegal support of this fa(Vii«sus minorlty than anxious to preserv" far themselves an unsullied record, they now detfL'mine to ma!w l»w out of their capr:ce and to trv to stretch the Con6titution.. to mean what it never did and never was int#nded to mean. and on tluit assu tn ption. thoy b©!di v ignore the glarinj? fact that they do not poseess the Queenn's confidence, nor ;ndeed the confidencfi of the maji»rity of their representatives, *nd thub light-heartedly creat© a deplorable blockade in the Government. Ia ftict, it is safe to say tiiat at present there is no governnnent and that therc will b® none uutil this qu«gtion is settled. How long ie this loggerhead tensi®n te latt ? An answer is premnture. for the Queen appears del;«*rmined- to nsst'rt her inhorant frerdgativf> of appoinrin2 n r&))iaet in whow she n»ay iiave coutiden(:i k and w!ior" UHMnhors she* mnv hv able to;honor and rospert; and *ov<,'n-vights of.tliv p«'opU of Ho|m-i lule ai;tl oi'liie Krngdom h?r th:»t n>ht Th.>r<«f>re, in our| loya'ty to Hor Miijosty, we do ea» nestly hope that th» 4 Quoen will not w« akoii uown nnr allow ht*rseif to l>e bull-»10.70,i hy t)ireats, but wiil stand out !or what real!y b#longs to Hei\ nnd, l>y surh lin».! hoks. sl»e will win tho «vmpathv' ot nll true Hawaiian? and of tl»e f ppwers. In ti»e nioanwhih, people are und tho ri »!ors of '87* 1

fcre already pr»o|ai»fog pa|ti#noe m«y eeaee to be & virtut; tKē" Leo ie a too hearty fi ; iend of j)a€ifie solutioa throiigh eoiuphaoee with the rights of Naiion, to endorse such extreme yiews; but we xio say 4jhāt if stnbbor«ness is destined t«prevail over right and natural pr<*rogatives, if the advice of bad and designing c"ounsellors prevail over the eommon sepse of | the »%inistws v if the Queen's dignity is to be trai«pied on, and the countrv be inflioted with thfe : contin»anee ir offioe of four unnp-! precia.ted men, the» the Ilawaiian j people will have one solemn <_lufy ] before them, in February 1802, i and that is to vindieate th#ir' Queeti and to bring due retribu-1 tiou on niisehief-maker.s, by | closing the eareer of the tenebro\is | il ßrown-Cunrjmings" Cabihet, and ] sinking lJN>se self-esteenie<l min-1 isterd so Jow m the sea of loeal i politics, that ihe}' nevor willhei ablo to eonie to the surface sigain. 1 $t Deus nos liberavit ! »Since the above was put in type the ministry ; has resigned.