Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 136, 24 February 1891 — The Barry Contempt Bill. [ARTICLE]
The Barry Contempt Bill.
The adverse report of tbo S.uiaic ,To4u"'iary Vowpii.tt.ee on t)i«» lwirrv ('ontompt ftf Conrt biU, proj»arfu after the addros? of Judize Slmftfr Friday evening last, \vas held back imtil yesterday wlien ilv eou&uuUee rovcrscd its artions, and re|x>rted th«» hill with nn ;;mond>nent for pa?sago. ln the ooursc of the eontro\*prsy over the inatt< r the cominittee hcard Mr narry. Thomas V. Cater and otfH'rs in l»e--half ofthc bill and 0. * A . l>l«nrhard (lrove L. Johnsan and ei-.lmlgo Ar&tBtrong &gainst it. T.»e; poin s raised by the la.tter \vero th«t jf cturt« «nd juries were turwed ®ver
tō tbc ijaerciespf tb« sei ;satheir wouM be an ?au of it would he rio offens€ t« purchase newspApers to brow- \ beat judges an<l mAuenee ju:'i€S and weaithy men with great inferesls at stake would not hssitate to do so. The comrmttee a$ it finally amended fhe bil! practically murdered it, for the purp«se was to X rovid« that no Court shall take nol ic« of contenipts committed outsido of its immed!ate pr6sence. This uas defeated bv the insertion of ,he word V W in th« last paragr«ph of the b»IL As reported this pa*agraph now read« as fol!ows: "But no epeeeh statement or p; iblication refiectiing upon or eonee rning any court or any offiw thereof $hall Be tre<ited or punished as &>ntemptof«uch c#urt, unless n3«de in the immadiate prsseace of stch court while in segsion or in *such a manīier as. to actuaily interfere w ith its proceedings." ;