Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 135, 23 February 1891 — WAITING. [ARTICLE]
Sister , A nne ! Sister Anne!! <Io you see anything coming? Sister Anne, is our polilieal tempest in a tea-pot aVout to (corrie to an issue ? Ne! Bister Anne answers tha,t ehe sees the sun shining, the wind blowing. greedy men stiekinjj; t« oflice. and intrigukig inen plottiug <Jompromise or J^ec i on. The official pass-word at present, sceaj? to be "waiting;" waiting for what, nobodv exactly knows,.bati-waiting a there must be by all means; w r hat's the use of hurrying in "Paradise ?" As the public sees it-> eaeh of the three powers of the oountry is waiting to spite and tire or wear out the others. Thc Quccu is waiting. 0* the just and dignified assuinption of hrr inherent rights, tor the ministers to do their duty by s»irrendering their commissions: the four little kings are waiting, with the expectation that Her Mfijesty will grow reckless or weak and change her mind, so as to capitulate and grant them that ooiUinuanee in ol!ice thcv love • more dearly than thcir own hoj)sr and manhood; t*.c to be waiting for one or both thc other parties to gro«? impatient and to iake «ome decisive step, rendering us*elegB a legal opinion or decbioii, whieh must certainly be embarasging to any sane lot <of men wlio wish to keep the appearauee of impartiality and to show free of a!l oartiz&n nr Re«tarian passion. In the mean time, tliere is really j no Government; no import«nt decision ean be takcn outside of tbe 1 every day routinc )>usinese, for tbe | reason that >f the present (wonld- | be) ministers were to take' any measure involving the future in* terestB of the country,thev might at anv time hereafter, be subjet»tctl to impeachnient for having aotetl' without due royal comission, and consequeatly without authority; even the appointments r nude by them, niight be some day dvclared null and void. No beating
Hround th< v ■('.■>nstitution. ■■ ca « < 0 away with the that Ihe presont Cabinet is th<ii of a dēa«l man. The nlinisters , commissions. hy whieh they Gccu»y otiice, kaving cxpired together with the late Sovereign, the issuing of a new comoiission is ind:spensible to confirm their authoritv; but there is at present no lavr, ui heave* or on e;»rth, that ean force the new. Sovereign tō grant a renewal of commission and give her confidence tothe me» who treated hei* so ungentlemanlT, disreepectfully and contemptnous]y j during her incu»»bfency asa Kegent;l they on!y reap the harvest of what they have sown- ! On the ©ther hand, the puhlie j are beginn'ngto loose patience, andj the present situation, if convenient ] for thc parties \vhope poVicy is' < waiting'-isdißguPting tothe Nation who wants, nnd expccted from thc new Alfy a strcng aiid acti /e government, and not a conglowc.'vtion of discordant elein*;nt« «*it lopgchcsda.! I)elay onlv niakes the s ; i;ition | worse, bv allowing tune fov intrigues and fer broodvng «f ar.d bv her procr;istiniīiior, the Quficn lias sho\vn• fhat sh«* listcns to at least one had adviser. Therefore. if a solution is not promptly f'»r{h-coiiiit.ig, bc it w!iiit it Miny, t)ie unavoidablc rosu!i wil.l ho eon'fusio.n. • agit-ation raid fc.ir, out of whi(flv anar<'hy, and 'eventually b]oodshed v inight nris°; and for all this. the prcsent ('abinet alone will be res[K)nsib]e, a respcnsibilitvlhrtt none but• • dazed men would like to incnr. Could it be that hist«ry is going to repeat itself ? and that, like the supposed crank, who, for seven whole years before the fn.ll of ,lerusalen», w«nt around heralding the connng woe, in a siinilar menner thē~ poor crazy crcature who was preaching. ar«und that cxcavated well in the Palaee yard, was reallv inspired in prophesyiogJ.hat in six monf !us from henee, there wouhl be no nsore natives, no more king or queen on these lslands, but a president? Is the present sta<e of uncertaintv in the govermenty is the resistence of the ministers against the Q«een, to be the way of (lod towards ihe fulfill»ient of a4,pupule" proi.hr,. ? \\ e hone not, and we most sinccrely wish that the future ©f Hawaii nei. ;in<l a peaeoful reign to our Sovcreign will bo insnred, by a just aeknow.h <lgment of thc Q«ecn\s firsl prcrogative. Bnt iiminediute aelion must be taken, and, if no other solution ean be the plain <luty of lM»th the Qaeen and the Cabinet, ie to refer the questiar. to the most intereeM po\ver, the Nation.