Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 133, 19 Pepeluali 1891 — Anonymouse Letters. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Anonymouse Letters.

The friends and supporters of the prssent Ministry are litterl}- discoojfitted by findin£ out that the Supreme Gourt does not unanimously sustain the ridiculou» pretentions of the feur little kings. in denying to our new Bovereign the ; right to appoini her own advisers. ♦ The wralh of the ministerial syc®phants manifests itself by athreatenting anonymous letter address«d to Chaneellor Judd, who is reported to be sustiiining the Queen's rights; and the same le.tter eontaias a direct threat against the Queen herself, if she dares to disnriss the fpur little kings. The Tsible teaches us wlaat will-uHhnately befall to iwen who resort to such vile measures to sustain their rickety power ftnd their greed for office; and whilst congratulating Chancellor Judd on his independent stand, we say that he need not be' afraid «f the threats of the ministerial crowd for the reason that men who are low enough*to resort to aaonymous denunciations always laek the courag« of direct action, A new cabinet would restore the confidence of business interests, and money which,..up to the prcseat, has heen kept "tight" froin the want of confidence of our capitalists in the present deceitful, treachereuB and inactive ministers, would at once b«come ef easier investmcnt. From every stand point, th«refore, we decidedly endor"se the! ♦ policy of Her Majestyf * and the would-be kings have taken upon themselves a most grave responsi-1 feility by resisting to the just demands of Queen Liliuokalani, who has the cordial support of the nation.