Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 132, 18 February 1891 — LE ROI EST MORT. VIVE LE REINE. [ARTICLE]
.»So auuounee the heralds upon the demise of a Sovereip;n in monamhieai eounine», for tbo right of siU'CtBBion iH indiBputabie, whether it be by the sacred of inberitance or by ēonstHutiona( provision. in so far as thiB goes. Hawaii hae foliowed tbe of the older eountries v and tJhe last prM*matiou annou nce* ,l i>ongr Liv« Qu*en Lili uok ala niF ol io wi ng the a nnoU n oemetit of tlie hemMe is arvother time honored ro<juircment, honored in'".i-epuWie* and mooarchivB the world «>ver. Tbe ( abinet of the dteeused ruler resij»tiK thfir olliee*; i-ourtesy aml poiicv demaud it Their "cotM!ni.«sions «ip'n,-; ed oulv l»y the >nv»»r<igii oe*se with tbe death «»f th«ir it is the hith<*riM u«ifUiMVted pier*»crat"ive tbe new t!i» nominatr iheir sueei'ssiirs. Thv history of thr ?Mvi.jiz«d >orid ha* rtevrr v*-t rr. or.l «J t!h' . x» c p'V.n thi<* i»r.:t« <• i4 !*• <• itov.'* :ii».< h . r*el it }k -
reiaain<?d for an lluwaiian Cdbiiiet »iider covcr of j» I revolutionar3 r anti- unpui»ular eoH- | Btitution to ignore aU tne prci- ■ ce<lcntB aml all the cotirtesitiH of history of * all know clvilizeli government, ai*(l presuuic toenf<>ro j their services upon an unapjjrqciative sovereign, wlio ia iinaily obliged to suintr.on them und rōqucst the rcsignation whieh tl)e gentlemanly courtesy that woulfi hnve prēvailed in any other couritry w©u]d hitve voluntarily'oftered. We b!ush for ?hāmv and trust th«'it ths civi!i:'.:«d woi'i.l v.iil forgive t!m ignorancc of thfsc four men, wh<> are, or !iavc l>ccn. ni;isquera<liiig niir.istcrs of Siate. — Vp t<> the }»risf»nt \vriting, notliing iT~knownj!.s to whut poUcjr the CaHnct will pursue, buL %je earn°stiv liope the Queen and thfe Countrv is ne>t to coatinue to be iniik'Leu wiih the wretchcd adniinistration c.f thesc non entitieh.