Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 132, 18 Pepeluali 1891 — Those Drafts. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Those Drafts.

The f;iir-inindBd members of our fommunity are niueli cxerci?ed over ;i queßtion re]ated to nioncv 1 rcinHnolions of our late iiionai'eh xluriuff hi? siav in <Jalifornia. If the question īh correct as it is reported. dr:ifts signed. l>y King Kalakaua and the valuc of whieh w:is paia over to his order in San FranciscOj )iavo been disbonored when pre»ented to the govnrmnent hcre, and HuHeml to be ihus sent haek unpaid to the eoofiding Americau friends who advaneed the money. The Bupporters «f the Miniijtry defen<i the measure hj stating that the drafts are not propeHy aceountf»<l for nnd earvn<»t be pnid if not exp]ai»ed. It may be |>erfectly proper for the jr©vcrnnjent to inve«t ijra te trie mat.ter here * iJentrenou?," an<i nlnee the responBil«]ity whero it beJongtrto, but it would a riialterof dij£nity, ho.nor j and gra.tcfulne9B to our ('alifornia friet)fls that ti»e draft* advance<i in ;jrr»od faith to a man n©w dead .-«houM be sirniiarlv honored. I)irtv iinen. ir'any. ouj;ht to lie washed at ho?ne. and not aiiowe<l: to soil our rep.utation(« abroad, as on sueh i so!emn ocm?ion as the present one. \