Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 132, 18 Pepeluali 1891 — AN OPINION OF THE COURT. [ARTICLE]
Wc firc th««t t'n* f ur .fud;.r<V of thv Snprrn.e ('ourt have given their op;ni<ass upon the l'onstitu J ii<«nal prerogativ< t>f the Soverfi«rn fo apnoint h««r own niinisfcry on t hcr to the throne. I pan this a!i \ itnl <piestion, jiisfc now, thc Court aie evenlv divided, The Chii;f Just«cc with one othcr <if hi.s c<>llc;igurs # b:ing, it is H:;id, of tiic opmion t hat Hcr Maj esty i t> e n ti tlcd t o inake her own npp.>intment?. It is thc law in ncarlv »11 c!viiized iO'.intrics -*>t Kurup<v tliat whcro tlic opini »:i oi' the Supromo Court is cvenlv <livided, that in wh'i<-,h the Chief ,]ustico<p:irtieip:»tes is tho ruimg th;vt gov« rns. 1 n viow of ' th's opinioi», aud for !naniioo<j's sake, we hope Qucen will be a!iowed to hcr reign with a ■selection oi hcr owii, &s iicr adviscrs for thc aduiinislration of the aflaiitt_ of the coiwitrv. We hope eommon s:;nse w.ill, overco'iie cupidity in this instance.