Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 119, 30 Ianuali 1891 — THE PRIVY COUNCL OF STATE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


At 2 oYl©ck vesterdav tho Coun-| eil met at lolani Palaee, presideui over by: thc Princess ■ I.legent, who| on -the nieeting took tiie| oath to tiie: Constitiition v aml thusl was initiat«ed to the Throne of ila-i waii as See(Vssor to ller iaie® irunented i>rother King Ivalakaua.E in aei'onlanee with the 22nd Ar-fi ileie of the ('onsiiU:tion. | A resolution was presentcd b\j| the Uapinei of the late Kinjr, am3 pasrr*d unani:niously, that proe]a-M niatior. be nmde of Her Majesty ? si succes?ion as Sovercign, under tii«| titleofQueen l.iliuokalaiu. I Lo.w ī>ivk thi: I Fittecn thouPa:u{ doll;>rs wasl anpropriated /or 11 is late Ma-| funerai expenst 4 s. "|