Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 115, 26 January 1891 — Telephonic News. [ARTICLE]

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Telephonic News.

(|uite a disa.ppoiutKient was felt ]iv a Poliee Captain, who was lwying off and on aU of one atternoon. for the departure of the ship Le T,acheiir, sometime last- week. The ve6sel it Reeme hael not diseml>owled itself of certain pound tirrG »>iid to eoniain poi. AVe hear from an mipublifihed itom of the Bullotin, that Mr. Afong will not remain two years in China was at fi'rst understood in this community, but finds it convenientto return in ab»nt twoJmonths henee to his •idopted home, whieh h(5 will \ r ery probably never again leave for Ohina. The Editor of the Bulletin is sorely exērcised over the fact that he feels severely alone among his «<litorial brethren in trying to defend the doings of the Crown Lands CoßiujiBsion. It is ccrtainl3' a tough job, and Brother Johnson has nur sympathv in trying to straddle 80 thin a rail. )so honest rtigu»Dent is possible in defence of treating the Grown Lands as the private property of Rovalty, to l?e admi*istered bv revolving series of fawning sycophants in the special interests.of themselves and friends. Our ('onstitution declares that g©vernment is not to be adniinister«d for the special benefit of any class; but the Crown Lands scandalous administration is, and iias bfcn ior years, existing in open deiiahee of all that is honest in eon stitutional governincnt. What else <>anit be terined, but corrupth>n in its most despicable form, for a Cabinet Minister, while in power, to secure a re-lease of Crown Lands by the favor of his colleagues ? Can Brother Johnaon ,give us an ill.ust,ration of anvthing elsewhere lik« it. Not holding, •urselves, jl brief for anysyndicateof landsharks, we are :rec to express our convictions in our own w*v, and we for ?:»ome approach to administrative deeency v until thc systera whieh now legalizestherobbery of revenue, ean be legally auiended-