Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 114, 23 January 1891 — Towing in 1891. [ARTICLE]

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Towing in 1891.

Mr. 000k u master of theAkamai" j has wfitten a syn)])ftthetic ietter to ! tiie Bnlletin ia whieh he spr«ads out j some of th« melanchol v history of; r! i♦? towage evcnt of last Saturdav. j We leam that the o\vner was not on 1 board when thelJwin wa? in tow, j therefore our credulity Wiisitnposed j upon lu the matter of the cocked j iiat incident; but we can't help j oong/atulatiiig all hands on board- -\ (iii t!i»/ owuer's absence, or Cook j might have gone uptheflueinstead \ o£ the cocked hat, and served hini j right for not having had steam up j sufficient with a boiler teated up to j 125pounds. The eap'n wants u? to ])iit up eoin that he "ean to\v two ' Mieh vessels the li'win." If we ! accepted theoftbr he might go round j īrving to get-t-He veBs«ls, and our i fear of !>cing accessorv to the iticar-J cer.ition of a fellow citizen in a j lunatic asylum. is cv?n at highfri }>ressue than that b«iler. >loreover j we don't care to take chances on j nuuticat problem. f«r as the "olaek- i buding" age is past, thecap'n uiight j t.ake to towing three W. G. Invins J at a time, and where wou!d our eoin l>e then- > lfaving given the eap'n <'lieap ad. in o«r dailies, wehopehe will stand the eham. X. B. We did not knjw our eoliimna w«re going to be reproduced in the Advertiser. or we v. »uldhave saved the eap'n* feelings by adding kk This is a goke." Our little varn was intended for the nurserv. li ihe captain or eook will stand a "> (to nhcork the necessary inspirat our pcct wi]' a pulogv— high pr#Sfc!Ure —in five stanzas, one v<ri,>e niamuahi.