Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 114, 23 January 1891 — Telephonic News. [ARTICLE]

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Telephonic News.

The P. C. Advertiser *ays that Captains are now thankful that tbe Eleu. is on her regular berth for tAwing vessels, and prestimabby is glad forthat, claps whoin t'ne Cook of the Akainai undertook to take out a fe;v days ago.

Th«> trouble aJt the C:\roline Isl:inds will urt4e«mtedly be enquired into bv Unele S:un.* The state. inent of an Knglish officer to th& S. F. Chronicle that allegations were freely made that sonie missionaries pay more attention to their own agg \ndi;:ement th*in to the welfare of the people nmong whom they are sUpposed to be labonng in the ca J;3e of religion," is only what has happened, and is happ«ning clsewii«re. However this may prove to be. ih« Spa"nish power of to-day is not mueh ihore civilized in its dealings with what they terro inferior raees, than the same power was in Mexico in the days of Mōntezuma-, when an emine»t writer said. "Spain extinguishcd a civilization «uperior to h«r own." lt Ī8 a ehanee f©r the vigorous Blaine to show his hand at onee in ttte cause of humanity an<l nation;i l honor; with all the world at his t)4ck. Let the Spaniards be driven out of the Caroiines, and Coba be placed where nature intended her, under thestars andstripes designed.