Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 114, 23 January 1891 — The Lay of The Tow-Line. [ARTICLE]
The Lay of The Tow-Line.
('ome all ye Mast(nvMarin<-rs, >vlu» sail to this yer port; We've a trirri f>team cralt oi 10 ft. nrnft »nd a towli-n«Mve.can sport„ We oah lug any rig from a peow to a brisr; or twa i! it comes to that. And if you don't believe u.V, just eome aboard and inspect the fle\vs and »lral't and the shaft and the 12f> poun<l biler; butdon't believe that yarn about the Admiral's llat. ' "