Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 113, 22 Ianuali 1891 — Telephonie News. [ARTICLE]
Telephonie News.
The Crown Lands dispute betwee.r o«r two daily contemparams provcs the fact tliat certain pgrties }in,ve been trying to get leasas of Crown Lands on the quiet,and that the party likely to hav« the V)««t ])ull «t the "ayes and noee 11 got the preference. The Bulletin saye t h«t *the correspondent of the Advertiser deliberately lies whe*i he jns.inuates that any legitimate l>id was ignored." We cordial]y add that under the preßēnt systeiīi of dealinc with Crown Lands any paper-.V deliberat«lv lies" whonrges thatr there ean b« any thing 4<le£ifefmatt" about a system of patrottfige. whieh may be in th« nature of a h uge st©AL_^/ readini:' a Falfl!aff" by Mr. F. M. English ■ftt, thē Y. M. C. A. Hall on Teusdky evening wa» a rare treat to the f»'W, in the sma'll andience of about 00 present who were lovers of. and famiiiar wit,h the Bard of Avon. Mr. English deserved a l'arger audienct, f©r as an all-round scholar musician he would be made Haueh of in any cultured eommun ty. He had a very mueh larger 1 udienc« on New day to hear 1 is organ recital, but that was a net show,. whiek Hon»luhi saBsietv is generaily ready to patronize, ! rsptcially when free ice-ore.*iui iV ! ad'led. I