Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 112, 21 January 1891 — Telephonic News. [ARTICLE]

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Telephonic News.

* Pamell has one crumi> ofeoinfort in his present trouble' llis ai«oiir \vas not a joint-stock combany affair like'Dilkeß, with a Priwe as President and al)uke as Ch'ef i)irector. īf King" is to be left ont in the eol<l bv the īrishv \ve might succeed in attracting him to this Paradiso. Here he eoi ld ir - dulgc irt> hareiu-scaruiii gaities and be a ' ! big_īnjin." vln additioa he might -get a crown land lease to lul>rieate the chariot wheels on whieh Tie could mount the pinnaele of a i)remier's glory and honor, and ha ve a judge for a coacher.

Tiie present Indūm war of e.\terniination is solfeir-nie outcome of a vicions poiicy. The IntHans are well aware of the fact that they are a niere handful of less than a quarter of a miliion to oppose over t.wo hun<ired times that number. Hpnorable officers like Generals Crook, Miles, Brook and others, have repeatedly protested to the Government that these īndians have been lie<l to, cheated and starved. Now .—they are hemmed in and offered a ehoiee of the old life they flcd to oseape or death froni maehine guns. The īndian ngency system is very mueh like our own Crown Lands administrations favoritism for a favored few at the expense of the general puhlie. The result is here a contempt of public ©pinion,'-a'nd defiance of all deceney. Such is the outconie of our land ageney system and our daily pres.s are all eo ihdifferant to the greasing «f the fat pig, that not / a word of reaionstrance is seen at

the puhlie land passing into such concerns as the Haleakala Haneh Co. at about three dollar:' an acre, and nurnrous long t«rin leases to members of the Cab;net and others. Thc Indian war to-day with its glaughtered soldier6, bullet-ridden women and siain ehildren is but a protest to the world ngainst robbery to fatten land syndicates, such as our present governmont is fawning to. Future generations. who will have to undo such misdeeds, will anatheuiize the h\nd-s:uirks toadies and sycophants of the present reign. The statesnian who-,lends liimself to assist in planting tiiese islands with the curse of landl<jrdism is the enemv of truc progress, aud national prosperity.