Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 111, 20 Ianuali 1891 — Telephonic News. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Telephonic News.

llis Majesty is at San Knuieieeo, in<lisposer], having eaught a eohi, how Beriously, we do not know. He is $jiid to leave by the 2Sth or riOth, inst. in the V. 8. S. ('harleston, whieh vessel was at his dieposn! no later than the 24tli inst.

N The Iri»ti inan-oi-war,; fonneriy known as the "AkHniai, v now eomnianded i>v Rear Admirkl Bowler, \indertook the Hereulean task of towing tlie W. (I. Irwin out of Port on Saturday. The Admiral ordered the eook to "fire-up there wheii the Ijow legged shaft revoived, it knoeked t.he )>ox into suiitliercons v one of whieh hit the Admiral on the rear end of his eoekeil hat, whieh in ite tiirned dropued down the engineroom ar»d scared the chief engineer, -who siioved the hat in the furnace tiiinking it was the sealp of old Nie hiinaeK When the>Admirai had siiffic*ifintly recoverei to mount \ he quarter-deck again atid t>ox the c*vmpass, he fbund the Oapiain ot the Irwin had cut loose tho tow* line, whieh fact was onlv di?covered when the Admiral fouud he was going fu 11 speed at the rai« of half a knot an hour.