Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 105, 12 Ianuali 1891 — Telephonic News. [ARTICLE]
Telephonic News.
'Oie Pi (!. A(lvefliBor q«ietly in it» i3Bu« of Jan. S. that ;t «onM *>e a gootl ihing to g<?t us 1(> Su moa ag4in and awav from llnwaii. yNo doubt v<»n would Hk« v I>* Mr. Editor; in onler to give yourself anothcr opi>ortunity t« vT'>nl .i»ay the remainir»p; ri<?htK of Iho poor nntives,—r-«eU hi? conntry r ( s»'l niAko ,1 plantation nlavi; of !*ini. But tha< ro«tl<?P8 nnirit that t« -brinK th<? eaiuw of the ,KX'r BamoanB to the notice of Unele Snni. is ref|tiipe<l here juBt at presf*nt to «Kow up the work of ;he paist seventv years of Hawaiian r« pener;ition. whieli culminated in < 'o\Tnriglitrobberv t hree years ago on th»* part of the regenerators. 4ind he propcweB to stav right .vlonsrside the ■V. ih A. and its prote£es.
The I\ C. Advcrtiser «ays \Ve are disBaVisfied. so we aro, and if thc i f-n€h is to!d. «o i« Mr. I*. O. ATlver-_ i*!?er. Of ronrne tho nudden of weflltla, aB fi>r in«tan<e. v,-hi»n the refi>rm «up|K»rt«rB of that :»»!>or, went into olHee with f(;areiy enouph to cover tliemBelvcs u?id in-idoof tw« /ea/» were owing > ujra r ptwkB all over the cdti ntrv | ou liie accutmjW*tion9« of small; wI)T, lhat was riirht. jft' *»t' »'oiirBe Bhows thc w»oral status ©f; thrt P. Aand what it w*ould do j .M>:ain for its ''partiBans" if thev wcre, in oniee. nnd through thcm for it-1 lf. Tlm r. C. A.. evidentlv. l»e- I heve« in thiri advicc given by a j Jew to his «on. My dear bov, inv ;idv»ce to v«w wto ?na«ce *K»fu>v, j h<>nestly if vou ean. hut niake it j a»y way. !