Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 101, 6 Ianuali 1891 — Telephonic News. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Telephonic News.

i A gnilty conscience needs no' ;nccus?r. Sso-it appeai 1 », when we ;see the prc?erit <jīovernmcbt load- ; ing'vp Che Statian House with extra. guarils to Bhield ānd to s»ave, tbei» from ]>ahP-tlieir own gui!ty conscier4ces, The reign of the wicked antl the triun*iph ōf the guilty rs ' not «f long durdtion,. jf : w*. judp;e history ēorreetly. I>ehs v hazar.rost his lift? ancfl)is kiingiloTu ih one night for endeavoring to usuri> inore than wasduejiim.

It seems that Wilcox is not deu«l yet, judging from the &t:are in whieh the authorities have|been in during the past three nights. Whilst Wiicox was quiētly in his little be<i, the fiuger on the wall has been jogging the niemory of the admin,istration. Wilcox's rffusal to have a little talk with one of th!e ministers, his refusal to join the *new organizatiiin cal!e{l the Native Sons of the Soil, whieh i$ said tpj>e under the patronage of thē ministrv, and his not atten<ling the K(iiig > y-H'(hi at the o!d Legislat:ve vHa&h | Tloiise v otherwise known' as Cumi ming's itoost or Arion Ilall, ha* helped to bring-atx)Ut this sudden fear of, not Hain!et's bnt poor Wilcox'3 attributed iritentions tOAvards the band of interiopers who rule the roost at present.