Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 100, 5 January 1891 — A GRAND FIZZLE. [ARTICLE]
The Oalieo Party. given by the Native »Sons of tlie Soil 4 under th* pa'trōnage of high offi?ials, on New Year's Eve, was not a succef?s as it w»a by its backers. The ladies were tnere and were verv prettily dresaed, <fec., but the gentlenien were conspicuons bv thcir absence. lt is evident tbat the ~Hnllean reporter is 3aboring in the interest of high officials, and sees in this affair ns through a glass darkiy, not knowinp; or earing to know, thnt the performance at the Aiion Ilall, was intendQji draw a full cornpliment oi sta(jg"tp wld t«'the roll eall of th(" dubiōua Native Bons of Hawaii. As fhis was the ob|ect, andr<the :#ll urerhont proyed iion-attractive, we hasten to correct anv misapprehension on the part of the puhlie through t!ie report of lhe affiiir in the ü ßiil!etin," and restore public. tranqnilitv frōm any fear of a general uprising of Hāw4iiians in favor of any little circus •])erformance, whieh uiay be.put up for a «nare toentrap the true Nati ve -Sons of Hawaii. The action of the mistaken supporters of thc itffair are too freBh and too well known to Hawaiians, when they rcfused to stand by their i>!edges to" reniodel the constitution of 1887, to allow them to be so easily />?<//-dozed with uny ealieo covering, and to hear tbe feeling of contempt of thc true and loyal hearted sons of Hawaii. ()f the thrce hundred invitations issaed forty-two coupks rcsponded.