Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 42, 18 ʻOkakopa 1877 — The Sweetest Name. [ARTICLE]
The Sweetest Name.
Tbere is no aame so sweet oq earth No aaeae eo sw«et in heaven The nanae, before his wondrous birth, To ChriBt, the Saviour given. Cho—We love t'> 6iog around owr King Aad hail liim biessed Jesurf; For there's no word. ear ever hpanl, So dear. go sweet as Jesus, His liu'iian nime they did proclaira Wiie» Abram's son tliey Be;ih'd lūm,; Tlie name tbat Btill. by God's good will, Dt*liverer revejled hiiu. Cho love to sing «fcc. &e. And when he hung upon the tree, They wrote above hhn, Tiiat all raight see the reason we "Ft>rever more muBt love liim. " Cho—We love to sing &c. «fce. So now upon his Father's throne, Almighty to release us— From sin and pams, he gladly reigns Tt»e Pi'inee and Saviour Jesus. Cho.—We love to sing £t.c.