Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 40, 4 October 1877 — A Beautiful Home. [ARTICLE]

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A Beautiful Home.

T.hcro , s a boautifnt liome for lliw, lnoUier, A lioiuu. a hotnt? lor tlioe iu laii'l of b!iss where jjloasure is, Tliere, brotli«r's, a home i'or tbee. Chorus. A beaulifiil home for thee, brother, A beautiful houie for thee ; , In that laiul of blUs where jje;»suve .Th'ere, brother's, a home lor tliee. ■ Th«rc's a beautiful rost for thee, hrot)ivr, A tvst, a rest for iliee ; In those m;i»siot<s :ibove vhoro all lo\ e, ri brotlier's, u rest for thee. Choriis. A bes\Htifnl rest f «r tl\ee, brother, A beautifvii rest f r ihee; Li ihose mansions above \vhere all is love There, l»rother"a, a re»>t- lor thee: 'There's :i beautif.il ei own fot th<«? v brolhei\ A cr<»u"ii, a cro\vn t'or tbee, [woii, Wiien the battle is t.b'tie, :uul tho vietory Our S:iviour will '£ to thee. (.'!iorns. A beanttful cro\vti.f«>r theo, brother,. . A ■l>e:iiiritnl rro\vn for tiiee ; In th it I:tii'l of wlieie |>leusure is<, A lilmulĪlu! ero\vii ini' t!iee.