Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 39, 27 September 1877 — Never be afraid to speak for Jesus. [ARTICLE]
Never be afraid to speak for Jesus.
f ever bc afrai<i to speak fqr Jcsus, , liink how niiieh a \vorld ean do j Never bo to uwn yoar Suvlour, H© who loves aiul cart-8 tor you. (j| K)> —Xover Ik; afraid Xevi*r be aiVaid Never, never, never; Jesus is your Savioßr, Tiierfore never be airaid. Xever be afraid to work for Jesus, Iti liis viuey;ird dav by d.ay ; Labor with kiud and willing sj)irit v lie will »11 • your toil repay. Cho.—Xever be atraid. &c. Xever be afraid to bear for Ji>sus Keeu repro:telies when they fall; Patieiitlv end«re yonr overy lrial, Ji-sus ivieekly bore them iill. <Jbo.—Never be atraid. «fcc. Xover be ufraid t«> live for Jesus ; lf v<>u 011 his e;ire dei>oiid, S shail you pass tlm»igh every trial lle wiU"br.in;j: vou to tiie eud. C'ho. —Never be aiiiiiil. »fce. Nf\er i»o afrii<l to dio• lor Jesus ; He, ihe LiUs-the Tnuh, the W:iy, (\-ntly iti his iirms ut' love wiil bear vou, To t'• re\hns ot eud!es> dav. l' o. —Nevor l>e a(V:ii«l «to..