Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 37, 13 September 1877 — Sweet Story. [ARTICLE]

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Sweet Story.

I thuik when I read that aweet storv of old When Jesus was here aTO>ng uien, Hōw he <4»i)k liEīlo OhiUlieii as laml.a to liis fold I v,-ouid like to liave beon with Oini thei». I wiah thftt his haiul» had been plaeed 011 niy head f feat his arm had lK?en thrown around me, A»d that I uiiphi h:ive lieoii hia kifjd look: »8 ho said "Let the 'liUle o»ea eonie unto me." Yet still to hi» footstoo» in prayer I n>a.v }jo And »sk for «hare in love ; And if 1 thits eaniest4v »eek liim lielow I sl»;tll see him a!id lieiir liiin iil>ove. In that beautiful j>!;*oe he i« gnne t.o pn>i>;vre Loi all wlio are washed ;uid I'<'rjriviMi; Ar.d m;Miy <lear clnldren ;ue gatheriny; th«*e, . • 4 For of Bueh is tho ki»gdotu of lica.v«ii.''