Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 30, 26 July 1877 — Our Father in Heaven. [ARTICLE]
Our Father in Heaven.
Our Father in !>eavenT . We iiallnw thv niiiiH' ; Mnv U;y kiny«iof"n holy On earth be the s;«uo , O give to »s daity, Oai'poi'Lion of bre:id lt is l'n>»n thv bonntv That all m«st bo {ini. Forijjve oiir'transs»peftsions Aihl te:u h us t«.> know That }innibk* cotni>a>sion. j Whioh p;ir(lons t':tch l'oo j Ki>ep us i'rom tem|>tat.ion, i From \Vf.akness aml sin, Aml thine V>e t»ie ijlory, Fi>r ovvr, Ainou.