Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 27, 5 July 1877 — JEWELS. [ARTICLE]

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' 1 - When He when he com4th ' j To make ap His jewela,' | Ali His jewel% preciooa jewols, His loyed aml His owu. . Cho.—Like the stars of the morning, His bright Qrown adorQĪiig, Thev sha3ī shine in their beauty Bright gems for His crown. 2 ■ ■ He will gatiier, Ho will gather, i The gems lor His kiegdom ; All tlie pure ones, all the bright ones His loved and His own. Cho.—Like the stars &c. &c. . . 3 Little children, littie children Who love thei£ 9 'l^Aeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels His loved and His own. Cho.—Like the stars &c. <fcc.