Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 23, 7 Iune 1877 — Work, for the Night is Coming. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Work, for the Night is Coming.

Work, for tiie aightiB cwoing, Work tbioagh the moming huurs; j Work while dew ia i WorkDJid Bpriugiag fiowers, i Worsj'-when the day groTvs brightsr, Wori£ in the glōwiog buh ;, Work for the uight ia com»ng, Wheu maii'a work is done. Work for the night » coming, Work thro'the BHQny morn ; Pill brightest ho«re wUh labor, Eeet eomea B«re and soon; Give every flyi"g minutc, SdTßethiug to kaep in Btore ; Work for the ni»ht is eoininp, When man \Poxks do 11101 e. Work for the night is coming, Under the Biioset 6kies; Wliile their ksighi tints »re glowing, Work for d»ylighf flies; Work till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to Bhine no moi e ; Work while night is dark'iiing, - —- WUea man wOrks no nioie. Someiliins 10 do in Hcaven. ' (Han* no ma ka Luhū\ 1 Tbere'll be 4ometbing in ließven for ehiUieo to do None aro idle in that lonii. L for the uainei There'll l>e luves fnr tii« heurt, tbore"!l. be tUougbls AdJ EioplojmcDt f»r eaeh liule banj. Cho.—Therp'll l>e si>tricthit>js ti> tli> ; Tbcre'lt be f»n>cthing to do ; There'li l>e Pi>!iH»thing f»r cbihlren to do, On the brigbt shining shore, where there'£ joy cver unore, There"ll be somethirg todo. 2 Tbere'll be less»ns to learn of the wisdnm of Ood, A» thev »»oder the green mcadows o'er ; Aod they U haee for their tcacbers in ihat biest abode, All tbesKd thal Uave g»oe there bef»re, Cho.—TLere'll be 6omothing to du, dc. 3 Tbere'!l be wrands of love from th« manaiuna abovc, To tbe dear ones tUat linger below : And it m»j- be our K*ll>cr ihe i-hi! iron wil! «eoi To be engeta of aerr; in woe. Cbo.—Tbere'll be somcthii>g to d<>, Ae.