Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 18, 3 May 1877 — NONE BUT JESUS. [ARTICLE]
Weeping will aoi save, Tho' mj face wtare batiied in tea)rs; That cuald not ftllay my fears, Ck)uld not &ash thesins of years; Weeping will not me, . Oho. Jesas wept and died for me; j Jestts sulfered on tUe tree, i Jesus waits to make me free, i He alone caix save me. i Working will not save me— l Pnrest det)ds ihut I ean do, 1 fchoagltts and feelings, too, j Cannot form niy soul anew; j * Work.ing will not stve me. Clio. Jesus wept etc. Wniting will not save me— . Helpless, }j«ilty,.lost, 1 lie;. ]n inv Oi<r is mercy scry; Jf 1 w;iit 1 .ean but die—. r i Waiting will not sSve me. _ Cho. Josus wept. etc. • Faith in Christ will save me — L«t mo trust tliy weeping !Son; Trust tho work that He has done; To his iinus, Lord, help m run — Faith in Christ will s »vo nie. Cho. Jesus wept, etc.