Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 15, 12 April 1877 — THE OLD OLD STORY. [ARTICLE]

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I. Tell MP lkoU. oKl,*story, ; ' - 0f ußseen tl»«gs above ; Qf Jesua aiul His Rlory, Of Jpsus »h«1 Ilii* lo vt 'i Tell »io tlic story simpi^ As to a lillle ehiM } ■ For 1 «rn « eak sntl vre»rv, Aiul hei|>lc»s, aiul tlcfUfd. Uho. Tcll me thc old, oM^*ory,' 'lell me tl>e olil, o5«l stovv, Tell n>c the oM, oM :-.tory, Of Jesus ami llis love. i\ Tcll me tho story nlowh', Th:it 1 u«av tuke it in— That wonderful lleileinplio»,. l4od'.s ic««4y sin ! TiU me the hlwry oUeu, ■Fov I fv»r<jjot .so foon ! * i Thc 'Varly dew" of īnomiui? : TJias i>a?sed ;iwjvv at noon ! Cho. Tell me the ohi, old ftory , ete. o. Ti'll iue the story f?oltly, With r:icnost tonos ;iiul <.'rave ; lli'iiu'inKi- V iii the miuhiW'hom .U'sus eaiiu' to s,i\u g Tvll nu' Uie story al\v:iys, li'vou wouM rt :illy he, lii aiiv linu' ot troul>le, A oointorter to nie t-110. 'l'ell me the o'<l,ol<l story., .ete. 4 "l'ell ine the saine oM story, When voii h.ive eaur-e to f>-:\r That this worM's emi'ty <j;!oi v Is cosiiii!;, me 100 de;ir. K Yes, a«d wheu that world"s glorv | ls d** nin<i <.»ii my soul, E Tell-me the oM, oM >tory, —- g 4 C'hrist Jesns inakes thee. whole." g Cho Tell melhe oM, oM ftory., etc.|