Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 8, 22 February 1877 — Saviour like a shepherd lead us. [ARTICLE]

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Saviour like a shepherd lead us.

(.««» e k* Kahukipa*) 1. Saviour, like.a shepherti lcad, us, Mueh we n<?e<lThy tenderest eai-e, In Thy pleasant pasturets fced ub For our u«e Thy folds prepare, Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesns, Thou hast brought us Thine we are :|| 2. 'We are Thine, do Thon befrieud us, I>e the Guardiad of one way. ; Keep Thy fl»ck, from sin defend us, Soek us when \ve go !istray ; i fl: I>les9ed Jesus, blesse<l Jt'SU3. [ Uear O he:ir us, whea we prav ; 3 Thoa hast pr<»mifed to veoi-ivo ns, | Poor and sinful though we be; j Thou hast Mwy to,relu«ve us, | (ir;»ee to cleanse, and ]wwcr tu froe ■J: BW»sed Jesns, bU>sscd Jesus, \\V will early turu to Thve :j| 4. Early let us eeek Thy favor, Karly let u.s do Thv will . ]>lcsstd Lonl, an<l ouly Saviour, With Thy love our bosoms till. |j: liU'sse<l Jesus, bl«'ssed Jes<is, Thou hast love<l us, love us still Jh>rothy Thntpp. I^;>S.