Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 6, 8 February 1877 — I am Jesus Little Lamb. KA IESU KAMAIKI WAU. [ARTICLE]

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I am Jesus Little Lamb. KA IESU KAMAIKI WAU.

I am »Tesns little Lamb, Tlierefore glad and gay I am ; Jesns mo, Jesus knows All that« gootl and fair lie sho\vs uie, Tt!mls me everv Ja_v the sai!ie, . Even calls me l>y my uauie. Ont and in I sftfelv go, Only pleasa»£ihings I know, Jesus loves »e, loves me ilfarly, He is !ihvays "watcliiug near me, He will take me by a,ml by, To my hoine beyoud Uie sky. Sliould not I l»e glad and gay, ln this blossed fold all dav ; 13v this Hoh- Slfeepherd teuded, \VhoB© kind annn when lifē is ended, Bear nw to tlie world of light ? Yes ! Oh, yes, uiy lot is bi ight!