Ka Lanakila, Volume I, Number 1, 1 Iulai 1909 — THE HOME OF LIBERTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Liberty is found in the bosom of true womanhood Tt sueks the milk from the breast of loving mothers īt nestles on the breast of a fami]y-loving father lt comes from the home of the family anointed with love It eomes from the table of loving and obdient ehildren It eomes from the store-house of the boy who seeks at'ter knowledge It eornes from the assembled eompany who value trut.h It c,ornes from the fostering care of educating fathers It eomes from the Holy altar of religion Tt eoines from the lips of the messengers of the Gospel It eomes from the footprinls of the bearers of the true Tidings It comes from the heart of the one whose eonstant aim is for the good of his fellow-men. It comes from the streams, Ihe hills, the mountains and the green plains of this world. It comes in a vast company with Liberty. It eomes in a host innumerable like the stars in the heavens. Yes, it eomes, ye Native Sons of Hawaii; reeeive it and eherish it. —G. K. K.