Ke Kumu Hawaii, Volume II, Number 23, 13 April 1837 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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M:iS. V V k Vi. :: - '. I ' 'i. 'I a* I ih ,iuul 1. * s . ii •. vn :.v- >1 * t «s I). n '» r . .i • < 'i ' •» v (■ . . • -.i- -«• l.r> Ht 1!I i v. •;■■ : Itli■•. i < : ... i »}'.v. ■~.!«•» oi'r::n-: u i.r;i i. ~,• _ J ;.*.*• ■»;!' .i ■• , i. 11 • i Wi:h 'lie Huii'iii i..s' r" i-:r- <•:.«• < ■» . *«• .. . .»!' i; >> , \ . >» ; . : < n-» ■ ;:< .■ i v » > uU*vl lio.n .\i!.-. j ■ i . i UTi\tMi at ii.h' S l .! : .v. .'i.:;!. > , ■ :h*' iirs! p.«rl •>!!' !.s" K.i : ;.t. . Un; . t 1 ; i .• |i. tlli* i tU!» ;} «' ».rs r. .ilutu i. >;.«• u .'s iin« iiU'*(!ii:r tiir»:«*i ;»:i, «». 4 «' «*l ( a rjitrr 9 ilkhl bcforc h< r,l thc or!u i i ta il. h;i r u:ul a !*urviv«. ' i'.u» kindoiu uft , hrtp>"J u :is (!tun\cn <»:; iu r i'<vf r!, .n:i«i >i»e rejoicud in inakm.; any s:i« r:iirr v !u< h j>r«nnot« it. prnyc<l inn<*h, an<i \v.i> tloriic as :i —rc?<tMHbliiiif Mary at tiic foct of hcr !»carnu lu> wortl». Her Ji<c \vas iicr <Icaih trīiini[)iiant, and her m6mory blesse<l. r n»e lollowii|g letter from tho boreavc<l !ms!>and wiil convcy to Mr*. l)ibblc's frien<Ls stHJUCtluiig of her stateof mind durin? a scverc and protractcd riincss, whieh ahe BUotained with exemplary paticnce. Lakainaluna, Murrh 2, 1837. l>ear Brother, ln aha»ty note last week, I informed

WMtaftfc my deir Ml, Whn<liiMirtiilftii afWr elefVea (aoffltS^Mb* 5?J° *■* "<* 2181 of March, 1836. Vou eannoi coocetVe ao# tinctly iti d wWJy ; the «eene of the 2lfll oif Ktrdi b nnpre«e< upos m iaiiid. i\*riian*iiola» bow of peti«|vrf H!iiefltf ihuoui pnmeil Uie e/enl, twt f tfce visk)!i ha* eouieup bcfore me, whh all the ftē«lMßs af n re(«jit occMrrem'e. On u «uddcn, my <fesr conpanion, in u3uai and with a li€iii:hy bal>e ta hier amw, w f from her chiir. I *prm£ fo suj>port Eer a:»d luid ];ur s]>eechiess ;md My kind aeeori;ites ar«? alarii)ed, and 'theii iollowe the confumon of rubt>iiu, bjt»t*(!:sig, tt»e applicatiōn pf cther atid tbe lik«; liie.iim rust4»jr;it!on* Ssoon tiie vital principle is i«iyio)ed t »one h;iif of tbe |M3dy, \ihib<t thc other half liCf pv ; i i-H'd ami rnotioiile£B uh though h were tk-id. Aiy \verti aa eannot l>e dejscribed, 'riie .<ft:!i]):inesfS'iif t!u» evcnt madc it thc more over!>owenii£ My tceliu«s could not have beeh niore deejs, li u iuy eoiiipanioii, at tliat time bcen rcujoved to <t;t*ni;i v. I, in iact for inany day?, rcirardcd ra>sclf a** here;iyed :viid niy childreu mothcrlesd. And tbe . pros.j)eet, if. life >ihu iid \vhich fleciiied io be y<uim rr;<m, \w ??i;;t -,of Jjelple&s;xe^-andsutiering, ik noj ev< ii ot mciiita! !inbe«ility; 1 ] oured my sorrow» iir«» ihe < ;ir of iny lied\eiijy rather aiid merci*'.lS- |'.i!»t*(h i.-: .■ At l:isU ht»r iiii:Hl'"S(r k CthcH to l>c nmeh iuipaired by ■t}v. ►...»• :-kl. e t M.Mh.iiv hrr ?iie,n«»fy.. bi?l a nicre:f<«l (iod ao* n]."i >i ri to remo"./' *liis ■•.» t 'i» f l iie novi , ers of her ! : :. <i » ij'i 11!> oe i, you know, ulid eou- • »<;:*«'-I >.i !i :.tM»d <!e_-;.- C ' ol'■ i :r»j : ',<> ihe t ;ery HiO;neiit of iīe»- <; • :1 \t. r !v' / -p<»!:e ol*.tl«is- c ::oVe <>f tbc palsy a» an iou.. 1 ».m i> a (h'.i .-iii' i!nulVtlui 1,0, J t'+c i» i:; :*ii S,ie thjit sMch a »■ i»i j , . , !|-'e- :ie- !'■ ! i:iM tn ioe •e/ ckMrk'pey in '!.* U V"' r:u- e'l.'l 1.11,! , ;M»r iU l«»r hlUllilii/ ;i;m (e -- ;o -1 - ii(- : "sv"v:ctiiy tli:ui 0:ll 4, .v , < :«41 4 .i.'U > \ t!<; i .«."l'. ' i • 'V.:' ■-. ;'.!■■■ v* ♦- .*i>v ,!■■■'■•> j*' '.»■»' e: .. ii .dvers.;iry 0 ' !,«■ ..ii ■...-.. '■ 1 o. •! s ~<» !i.:b her :'■■■ "• ■ .! <1 i,!,- 'luee iuoiiliu -■«'• !•• ... i . .•, "!.r , <h ol' t4+«* >'.i " ■]'■ " ;.Q' .(.-.M- ,te h l>\■■i'.»|.C hiT tO luo!v ftli- : ' .5i > , •ē tise evont ;ih • V * 1 "< r'". li*> * i t i! »1 U'iill ,v. ;is st r !pt :ot 1 '«• ;«m> U e ; o( i!s S rom iiat ■ ;• ■•• . r!£..*• i<*. /. . . eii , :,r < « s :,s::inl '! .ivr *•■ :I m : n.»' ?»i iier\-e-. *:: «11 : ~v - . e.:t-f ■'•■* :■«>;;.!/■ : : :»>r:<^i !>ly ;t :\.i! ' . '• T. ,i 4 .' . h.;b : f »:«i! » <Kl- - ■ t !:•»• * ■■ •■ •.. ■>." ii;.' •!i «m 'i-oul iwiiii' 'o; s •. :.. ■■:: •:. ■■ hi- 1 i:<'■ ii•.; t*t .; «» \ . , ■■■* ' >v ",■•,. ;•,: ;-:•.» .-•.■ »--e -!.••»• r•»:»»••.. •• r ."!.i-r--.e\-'»>.rcs--ioi:s o| '•,' ru> :'ik- '• -.!i i':- ''l <»• {%'•' ••* <.« -i; <• !;«■» I»e: r\ . i ;*»:;» i. ■ • -1 v-i»i :;! l>" ; i { -ii:i .ui'i l>< :i«jiii.l !:; . •»- i> . I'>/ :■■■.!*.. i <! v<r•. •• ; • . .\- .* . i ..(■'■ «V • '.i« »• X « .•. l.\ -l'O' I ,<.:•, el' i ;••• l.! . Vri' •■ 1» !< ti»o.v.' h.M' ! ].«'/ e;t!i \ ' .< • •••:. >i - v a !im 'i v-''.e iMlen?'! •>»:• h <•:•.;■,v'S: !«>?»: : > ■ ! > i<» . . , : 1 !• ;•'.'! ii> :s Sr\ ;o»;r' :he <»',v S: .:>:!(■ |:" tf: l .>.l v:o :!"**■' ihnii"! (» :.;. » w'"! *» . : i })•• !i-' • r !: :»• r.:« i .'o i!"' '•( > •.' --Io:' ';.<• M'>" ! <'f V hri ■:!" "t f» >ve \< o '*::< -- •>!' nw ;» . : all. thuf e- m !><> < alit tt uii'ie i> I! ! 'i« >. >l! <. i ,i > :>! i> •;!! titv hv>t e: • <e: ■ •!\.:• <»• i! o ».'.:! ::-••}.;(':'>!<! I v.o:i:d ī'o'. {*>, i o':Jd no !>:■ >.r' e.l wi ;.• >\ \v;ry." i a •' ■' ►\> -!:l i'f.? 'i' :j :• ;> " .o: | j>r.TY :: * * »!l W' ,! o(. o' -.<<) !:< o:-!r'!xi!.,-.- —■' * eo.'!■•(-. j> ? i' !;. i;t" " ..:: it' < o i- u:;e !' .'■•i\ iu'ei* **I ;.m ;.»V.iiv! :i: ; ; ! -!'.j i»?'-;».<;i»':s. :(i i:'-■:' :v;'; i. <•>•;> ; ... 4 :l':<>,;i - e■) ir»e v j!:'»<n .; ' o i''*:in?:i an<! s• i*r vs : . ii: >n' -sjv be-; !> .; I <io leui: !o l>e W i:!i »!.» •, < * ! ;<!' vl .?■ ■S !( s." W.he l1 Ur o»<::•'! Īi.i! nv:iii\' i V V:. e\' •» < »»••'•<;!,! e m !:c! <j j l|e Imo'. e<i u; <ni! (!;<•.. m:vp' v . «'(>.<>]• v >» !■ - : i'l ieii :<♦'} a!n<i .- ;!<«! % * < \» iV o>« ;s !| !o he >:■■■;.!• ! :iiit ! h i\e ii<> tē ir ol <!'.it!i—..e>v.s i> uhl» i;:e—r;e •«oe>,\\ i !Mit:e !i;»n<! in li in<i. >h li w,(s !i t ;i e m <M»il and iriu!i:i>h;»iit e\ir. S!ie \. ;:s-p,''.n-ui!»ev! :o rh>. ity tJ-oil not <>nly in-he tl:li, h.u eiiim<'n;l> >o ui >i '\ness::iii<fir» (i< k i:h. '!'he pio:uine;if i'eaiiue■of hqr < hristinn lifc, \vhieh ftdlv ;i'e«:oiMitS'forh<T lrhun;>h(mt dep:irture;, c;»n be toid iii u iev\- :\vord'<. H!io fre<piently re.nt>wed' hcr; wvtM»a'nf eri^;u. r < jii<'nis :uid stro\e! to ninke i;ercousecnitiou <'?- /Mv,.;if.d huvi:i£ <h>ne thisr s!ie ha<l f*ll contiuenre in tlic f«i'it'li'fufttu»ss' ot" licr eovcnant (iod, like jhat of n child iii a t<Mider piirciit, ftn all cuses of trial, perplcxit\ and <hstre*s her immeiliatr resort waa to her cmornant God. Shc had fft.ruln? faith in the of (tod io hear her prayer and to grant iter all needed tGfeistftftce, ■■■ '■.'• ■ ■, . Buch w«s the chanicter and triumphant death of one whosG iiiemory wiftl ever be precKH» to all who kiiew her and who !ove the Sawur in whom she eon- < lided. Tliough ahe died at tht early"age of®yeare

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