Ke Kumu Hawaii, Volume II, Number 16, 4 Ianuali 1837 — KUIKAHI. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Aniele* m*Ae and «gfMdi m st Ho» tiohil H MaM ©f (hihu, tKt« tolh &f ofH<»v. 1836. A«r. 1«t. Englwh tutisßOta «h«ll be permittcdto oome with their vo«e)iaiid property of whatever kind to the Spndwich|M«ud«; they ihall rlih> be permittejd to re«ide therein a« k>tig m thejr conform to the )aws of theac lalonda« and tp build houaea and warehouaea for theirj merchandize with the ot»iiaeiit of the King, andg»od friendahip ahall o«h* tinuc between the aubjeota of both eontrieB, Great Britain oud the Sandwich lalands. • Art. 2irl. Engtiah aubjecta resident at the Satidwich lalanda are at liberty to gt) to their own country or elaewhcre, either in their own or nny other v.eeBcl ;.they may diapoac of the*r efTccta, encloanre9v Houaea, &c. witli the previous knowledgc of the King, and take the value with them witho.ut any iinpediitieut whatever. Tl»e landon whieh hongcs are bu|lt is the property «f the Kincr, but the King nhall have no authonty to destroy tl»e h»uacs, : or in any way injure the property of nny British subjcct. Art. Srd. When an English subjcct dies on the Sandwich li«l«iids, hia cffccts ahall not bc ecarched or touchcd by any of thc Governors or Chief«, but Bhall be delirercd iuto thc handa o4f his cxecutors, or hetrs if prcecrit, but if 110 heir or cxecutor appear, the Consul or hi« agent, ahall oe executor for the same: if any del>ts werc owing to the deceased, the Governor of the plaee ahall assist and do all in his pnwer to eompel tho debtors to pay their debts to the heir or executor, or thc Cousul, in case no heir or exccutor appcars, and the Consul is to inform thc King of thedenth of every British snbjeet leaving property upon the SāndwKh" Islands. KAMEHAMEHA 111. EI). RUSSfeLL Captain of 11. B. MajeBty's Ship Aeieom*

: Hcw<MokeUlli«Bßi>i^uial »i«»fci» o«tw ,i U k wmikiinM—onoo Nove«MbA« IASB. , c -X.-■: --Ī:^ Pa»wi I • E «e|« nwi ko Enelaai naau luipaka e hele maii ko Hrw«ii pae aina me ko lakou niaii moku • me ko lakon waiwai, o keia waiwai o keia waiwai; e mai hoi lakou e noho ilaila, i like no ka loihi o ka monawa e noho pono ai niaialo o ke kanawai, a e kukulu haie e noho ai A me nahale eiplu ai ko tako« waiwai, ke ae mal ke alii; a e mau ke knikahi mnikai mawaena u nn ninn o Beritania Nui laua me na aina o llawaii nei. Pavk(; 2. He mea pono i na kannkn 0 Euelani e noho ana ma Hawaii nti •• hele i ko lakon ainn, a i na wahi eae iluna oko lakup mau moku a i*tiiū* o na moku e ae paha; e hiki ia lakou ke kuai liio akii i ko lakou waiwai, ua (>.-* hale, na hate a me ia ineo ae ia nna ;ir, ke lohe e ke alii, o r lawe pu me-lnkmi 1 ka dala o ia inau uiea, aole mea iki v kmkea ni. Aka oka lepo malnlo i)i« i kukulnin'i nn hale 110 ke alii ia, ā«»ie nae e hiki i ke nlii ke wnwahi i na hale a e hana hewa iki i ka waiwai a kekahi knunka o Berifnnia. Pai'ku 3. A i kekahi kan;.kn 0 Knelnni inn ko Ilawaii pne nina. aole e hiiliia konamau wniwni. aole )>• > e hoopain e kekahi o na Kiaaina ame na'lii, aka e lianwi u i ka lima ona mea ana i kauoha ai a i konn inau hooilin:: paha, ina pnlia Inkou mnanei, n i »lc ikea ka hooilina n okn mea i kauohnia a" paha, alniia e lilo ke Konakele a o konn hope palia i mea hann e hoopoi»o;Mino ni;i ia inen; a ina he iunu aie ka keko):. 1 ka men i mnke aku la, e k«>kua ke Kiahina o in wnhi, a e koi aku, ke hiki i<> ia, i na inea aie e hookan i ka lakou tuan nie i ka Hooilinaa i ka mea i ohnie'i paha, a i ole ikea ka Ilooilin.i aō ka men i knoohaia'i paha, nlail'* e uk|iin'i i Konakele. Ana ke p hai aku i ke nlii i ka inake ann o u«» kannka Beritania a pau, nona na waiwai e waiho ana ma~keiirpfre aina. KAMEHAMEHA 111 Ei). RUSSELL.