Ke Kumu Hawaii, Volume II, Number 3, 3 February 1836 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
>0 KA HOLO ANA POK. Hol» aku, lan, 26, mai Iloaolahi aka i Aroerika 0 Mr GuderHta-a me kana wahine a me ka laua leeiki a elīmo. Ua holo aku hoi o loane wahiiie, a me Bcrincmade walune a ni« na keiui kane elua a laua, a me ke kaikanialiine a Mnjora Warena. Ma ka moku, A« a»lionks, Proctor ke alii, i hoio aku ai. * llalawai loa. —Ua hoomaka ia i ka la o lauu;iri. Eono la e halawai pinepine ai, a liiki i ka la muao Fcb.—Mc e ka <iiii 1 o kanaka i akoakoa ma ka hale pule ia inau la. I Hai.e pui.e.—Ua hoolaaia ka hale pule ma Hainakua, ma Ilawaii, lan. 17, 183G. Pai hewa. —Ma ka aoao 203 o ka buke o ke Kumu Hawaii— U A o ka'a olelo waliahoe ka, ia."—Kia ka pololei, (i A ka'u ■!« )d hope ia ia, he olelo walinhee ka! ia.'\ Ma ka himeni kamalii pauku alua, lalani alua, —Eia ka pono, 4< Mai ka hiamoe niai." On"the c *fith ult. the liev. J. (Joodrkrh anJ hi> tamily sniled from llonolulu on hoard the sain A wash<)iiks, Capt. Proctor, bound io tlic I iutucl States of Ameiiea. Tiie following ia an cxtract from a vcrv h isty nule from hiiu while the shipwa* in the 44 A\vashonks, in the otfing. v. 11. Ringhnm, and the ot!ior niembers of t)ie inission, Ilonolulu. D<ar llrethren aml Sistcrs—l tender to you all our mo«*t cordial salutations for the kiuil an<l tender sympnthies whieli you ull havo cvrr shown unto us. We are all mmt >rtahh*. Farewell, helovrd in the I ord. Kver vour>», in the 1k st of b«»nds, JOSEPH (;OODRICH. P- S. Capt. Proctor j<»ins in n krnd remombrance of his best wishes to youafl."