Ke Kumu Hawaii, Volume II, Number 2, 20 January 1836 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Raiatf.a. Uapaemai ka leo mai Raatea niai, Uakapu ka rama ma Raiatea a me Tahaa, a ine Iluahine: koe o Borabora wale no. NOTICE "]«rOTICE is hereby givcn, that the copartnership hcretpfore existing unster the firm of Frbncu & Co., is this day diatiolved by limitatioh. All pcrsons having unsettled accounts with said firm, and the estate of the late John £bbets, deceased, are requested to present Ihem to the undersigned, who is authorised to adjust the same. WILLIAM FRENCH. The business will hereafter be continued by the subscriber. - WILLIAM FRENCH. Honolulu, Jan. 1, 1836.