Ke Kumu Hawaii, Volume I, Number 19, 16 Kepakemapa 1835 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Died at sca, August 14, Captain John Ebbet» of Brooklvn N. Tt ork, «ged C0. He was returning frora Cantoo on boar<l tbe brig Diana, Captain Carter. Captain Fitch of tbe Ship Soperior, his third otlicer and a botU «teerer, were killcd at sea, between Janu&ty aod Mirth last, l>v the explbsion of a keg of gun powder in the cabin. Tl»e £ngliah ehip Coreair, Cap. Yenable. was wrocked January 18, oo a reef, about nine milea from Drummohd'a Isiand, KingsiniU Group. Th$ Surgeon and five men were drowned, the Captāin and «tx others, it 18 8uppoHed, kiUed by tiie i?atives; the t«mainiiig eicbteen esoaped in three boata to Guam, *||pre tbey arfived after a paaaage of about a BM>nth. *