Ke Kiai, Volume I, Number 5, 18 September 1902 — Page 7
The Sentinel
A second charge of embezzlement of government monies amounting to $5,252.10 is placed against the name of B. H. Wright, late chief clerk in the Public Works Department. This is the amount of shortage so far discovered by Deputy Auditor Henry Meyers in his examination of the books of the imprisoned clerk, which, with the first charge of embezzlement of $3,289.53 makes a total of $8,541.63. The examination of the books is still being continued today.
That such a large sum of money is claimed to have been missed by the late very active political chief clerk is no surprise, but that such an amount should have disappeared the way it did and in such a short time is a puzzle.
We have nothing but words of commendation for the painstaking and effective way of the Deputy Auditor has carried on the investigation which brought to light these fraudulent misapropriating of Territorial receipts to personal (?) use.
Keep the good work up Mr. Meyers but for pitys sake please let an anxious swindled public know why a certain official, who was compelled by censure of the grand jury to pay his clerks the proper salaries due them, allowed to quietly refund the shortage in his accounts only a short time ago without standing the risk of a public trial as required by law? The examination of his books by experts showed a systematic pilfering of small amounts totalling over $200. But why should secrecy and apparent favoritism be shown to one while another unfortunate languishes behind prison bars?
Any attempt to shield a would-be criminal even if he has a pull with the powers that be is to be deplored and the sooner the decentralization of the One Man Rule is accomplished the sooner will the interests of the people be assured of protection.
The latest development in the present embezzlement case shows a lack of a proper method of checking up items of revenue and disbursements in the different departments otherwise the fraud would have been found out long ago. Daily returns or at least weekly statements should be filed with the Treasurer as well as the Auditor.
It is all very well to say, that we have caught the culprit and will enforce the law, but remember the government is and will be the loser in more ways than one. The amount embezzled is not recovered; cost of preliminary trial; pay of Grand Jurors to indictment; pay of petit jurors; costs of court, subpaenas, witnesses etc., and if convicted his board and care until released making in the aggregate a sum double or triple the original loss.
All the time, energy and money one spends in political wood-gathering if placed in more profitable channels for the development of a home and a competence, Hawaii would in the course of a few years amass clossal fortunes.
Do not let your political prejudices run off with your calm judgment of our present situation, but let each citizen make up his mind to cast his vote for the good men pledged to good government.
The Republicans are getting down to real harness work again. Either the Wilcoxities will have to be up and doing or else there will be a big land slide the unexpected way this fall.
The Democrats are still tooting too-too oblivious of all their surroundings except of the fact that they are still crowing. Never give up courage if you think you are fighting for a good cause. The more of it the merrier.
Keep the political pot boiling boys but never lose sight of the fact that it is the votes that count. See that every citizen qualified to vote is registered.
The assertion has been frequently made by the Republican papers for political effect that Prince Cupid is a full blooded Hawaiian.
Now, that is very far from the truth, and as much so as the assertion sometimes made by stock dealers that a three quarter grade Jersey cow is a full blooded or thoroughbred one.
Prince Cupids father David Kahalepouli, wellknown to old residents of 30 years duration, was a quarter white, his mother Kekahili being a half white. Kekahili was the daughter and first born of the Cheifess Kamokuiki by a white man from one of the earlier exploring expeditions and so acknowledged by all the chiefs and Hawaiians of her days.
This same Kamokuiki was afterwards married to Kamanawa, the grandfather of Queen Liliuokalani and by him had the High Cheif Kapaakea, father of our ex-Queen. Kapaakea, the fruit of the union of two cheifs always held higher rank than half sister, the daughter of some foreigner of unknown pedigree.