Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume X, Number 4, 26 Ianuali 1912 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Report of Resources and Liabilitiēs of the "Co-Operative llome Purchasing Soa'ely of Honolulu," For The Six Mooths Ending December 31, 1911. UEBOUR<3KS LIAB[LfTIEB Lo.mi' ou Real-ISatate L 1 55 Capital panl īn $869 80 C<\sh on haiul Jb! 70jSurplus Fun>l 345 JB73JeJ »873.2< r ) I, M W Tbchiult, Troasnirer do aolemnly swear that the foregoing at«feniHiil6 aio truo to the bost of'mj lcnowJedge and belief M W TRCHUDI, \ TrCagvrpf ofthe Oo Operallve Eomt Puuhasing SociKty of Honolulu Hul)Horibed and sworn to beforo uip this 2nd day of Junuary 1'512 (,NotarialSeal) P B K STKAUOH, Notary P>tb'tc, E"'ist Judicial Omu\t, T II